B​rian Leach.
Musician - Maker - Composer
Electro-mechanical Gong
I designed and built a new instrument called the Electro-mechanical Gong. It is an acoustic (electro mechanical) instrument which consists of a metal plate which is vibrated by a customised transducer. The plate is played with a microphone whose signal is passed into the plate itself. Thus many sounds can be "painted" onto the instrument with a handheld condensed mic. It is also capable of producing rich drone sounds, each different area of the plate having it's own pitch and timbre. This first public performance was in Outlaw Studios in May 2022. Performed/Recorded by Brian Leach and Natasha Bourke. An improvised performance for gongs, conch, harmonium, voice, singing bowl, electro-mechanical gong, etc. Supported by The Arts Council of Ireland.
Custom Analogue Synth
This project was undertaken as part fulfilment of my Masters Degree. MSc Music Technology in CIT - Cork School of Music, Ireland in 2012.
Its an analogue modular synth with an external custom analogue keyboard. For more info download my thesis here.
(Some images in part 2 have been ommitted to keep the file size down. The images are available on this page.)
Square waveBrian Leach custom synth oscilloscope. | Triangle WaveBrian Leach custom synth oscilloscope. tri wave | pulse waveBrian Leach custom synth oscilloscope. |
envelope generator wave formwaveform EG oscilloscope | Envelope generator proto boardstripboard IC sockets electronics wire. | Keyboard Resistorsback of custom keyboard analogue |
VCA prototypebreadboard voltage controlled oscillator. Brian Leach | Oscillator boardsanalogue voltage controlled oscillators soldered. brian leach | synth plus keyskeyboard custom synthesiser. brain leach |
Octave switch brian leachoctaveswitch resistors, knob, pot, brian leach | wires inside synthesizermess inside synth. open brian leach | front panel of synthknobs . plexiglass front, perspex. colour coded synthesizer brian leach |